CSOs Critical about the Content of Government’s Action Plan on EU Conditions

On January 9, ten civil society organizations (CSOs) issued a joint statement reacting to the Georgian government’s endorsement of the action plan to fulfil European Commission recommendations which the country was given upon receiving the EU candidacy. While acknowledging the approval as a “positive step,” CSOs emphasize that the plan lacked their engagement during its development and requires specific clarifications across various directions.

CSOs raised concerns about the lack of “even minimal” involvement of the watchdogs and the opposition in the action plan development process. Watchdogs’ inclusion, the CSOs argued, is one of the EU’s priorities.

Highlighting a timeline discrepancy, CSOs underscore that although the document gained approval from the Government Commission on European Integration on November 27, 2023, it was published only on December 25, 2023.

CSOs also draw attention to the lack of parliamentary involvement, claiming that the development and approval of the Action Plan overlooks the essential balance between the branches of government, thereby diminishing the role of Parliament.

Regarding the content of the plan, CSOs criticize its broad and general nature, lacking specific existing or target indicators. They also claim that the plan is not fully in line with the recommendations made by the European Commission.

CSOs call on the government to base its policies and approach on participation, dialogue and openness in implementing the EU recommendations. At the same time, they urge the authorities to recognize challenges in specific areas and take concrete steps in line with the recommendations of the European Commission, the Venice Commission and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

The CSOs’ statement is signed by:

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