Russian Propaganda Outlets Air Footage of Georgian POWs Captured in Ukraine

On November 19, the Russian media outlet NTV aired a video on its program “Itogi Nedeli” (Итоги Недели in Russian), featuring what seems to be a staged “testimony” from two Georgian fighters, Giorgi Chubitidze and Giorgi Goglidze. The two individuals were reportedly captured by Russian forces in November in the Donbass region of Ukraine approximately ten days ago.

In the video, Chubitidze says he was involved in the 2014 Maidan events as a “sniper” and speaks of being hired “by former Georgian intelligence officials on behalf of Saakashvili.” Both Georgians show obvious signs of injury, strongly suggesting physical damage (including to the face), possibly as a result of beatings. They also have slow and uncertain speech.

On November 24, another Russian propaganda outlet released footage showing the two prisoners being forcibly shoved into a dark room while blindfolded. Their names were stated upon request by the accompanying officer in the video.

On November 14, reports surfaced indicating that Russian forces had captured two Georgian fighters in Ukraine, alleging their affiliation with the 2nd international legion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs then confirmed the Georgian nationality of the captured fighters. has contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, the Red Cross, and the Ukrainian Embassy in Tbilisi seeking additional information regarding the captured Georgian fighters. The article will updated accordingly.

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