Occupied Abkhazia to Shut Doors on International NGOs that Recognize Occupation

Inal Ardzinba, the top diplomat of occupied Abkhazia, said on November 16 that international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that view Abkhazia as an occupied territory will soon be banned from entering the region.

“For those who want to destroy Abkhaz-Russian relations and consider the Republic of Abkhazia as an occupied territory, our doors will be closed in the very near future,” he said.

Ardzinba noted that the official website of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) published information that projects aimed at “countering the harmful influence of the Kremlin” as well as “restoring the territorial integrity of Georgia” are being implemented in Abkhazia. He also complained that his “ministry” is being “misinformed” about the real tasks and objectives of the ongoing projects of the non-governmental organizations and of the UN agency.

Ardzinba announced plans for “a presidential decree” in the near future “that will introduce changes in the regulation of the activities of international non-governmental organizations” in the occupied region.

“The main goal of these changes is to increase the transparency of activities, ensure our sovereignty and suppress attempts to interfere in our internal affairs,” Ardzinba was quoted as saying by his press service.

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