Abkhazia’s De-Facto Legislature to Discuss Joining Union State of Russia and Belarus

According to “Nuzhnaya Gazeta”, on November 1, the de-facto legislature of the occupied Abkhazia will hold a special extended meeting of the “Committee on International, Interparliamentary Relations and Relations with Compatriots” to discuss Abkhazia’s possible participation in post-Soviet integration associations, with a special focus on Abkhazia’s readiness to join the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

Russia and Belarus are co-founding members of the Union State, the Customs and Eurasian Economic Union, and have military co-operation within the CSTO (two Russian military facilities are located in Belarus).

Earlier, on October 27, a “government delegation” representing occupied Abkhazia reportedly met in Minsk with Konstantin Burak, Chief of Staff of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, for “bilateral interagency consultations”.

In 2022, the de-facto leader of Abkhazia, Aslan Bzhania, expressed the occupied region’s readiness to join the union state of Russia and Belarus. “The idea [of the Union State] is close to us, close to the people of Abkhazia, [and] this is in our national interests,” he emphasized.

Abkhazia’s accession to the Union State of Russia and Belarus “is fully in the fundamental interests of the people of the republic”, the de-facto foreign minister of occupied Abkhazia, Inal Ardzinba, said to the Russian Channel One programme “Big Game” on October 10.

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