Georgian Dream Warns President not to Continue Unauthorized Visits

Following the Constitutional Court’s decision on the President’s violation of the Constitution and the failure of the Parliament to impeach her, President has been threatened by the ruling GD representatives with criminal prosecution if she continues with the visits to the international capitals without the consent of the Government.

We compiled the politicians comments on the issue:

Georgian Dream:

Shalva Papuashvili, Chairman of the Parliament, said: “The decision of the Constitutional Court means that any visit made without the consent of the government is a violation and it cannot be an official or working visit… it is a personal trip and no funds from the state budget should be allocated for such visits… I call on all her well-wishers, Georgian and foreign, to advise her not to open the ‘Pandora’s box’ of disobedience to the Constitution… It is clear for our partners as well that such a visit is a violation of the Constitution of Georgia. Therefore, of course, they should not encourage the violation of the Constitution. Respect for our country by others is expressed in respect for our Constitution. If our Constitution says that the President does not have the authority to make a visit without the consent of the government, then our partners should respect it”.

Irakli Kobakhidze, the chairman of the Georgian Dream party, said: “If she goes on another visit at her own expense, it will be another gross violation of the Constitution… The Constitution states that failure to comply with the court’s decision is punishable by law, and the law essentially means the criminal law… As for assigning qualifications for a particular action, this is a matter for the Prosecutor’s Office” – Kobakhidze stated.

Anri Okhanashvili, Chairman of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, said: “Presidential immunity does not protect a person for life, but protests only during his or her term in office… If the President commits a crime, after her presidency ends, respective law enforcement agencies will responsible to take appropriate legal action.”


Ana Tsitlidze, a UNM MP, believes that “Georgian Dream will take drastic measures against anyone it perceives as obstructing its Russian plan. Now it is the President of Georgia who is preventing the implementation of this Russian plan, but I think the main thing here is not what the Russian Dream will do, we know and have experience that the Russian Dream will do everything… the main thing is how the President of Georgia will act; and the additional immunity for her will be if she speaks clearly and loudly about things that have been vague so far …”.

According to Salome Samadashvili, a Lelo deputy, “The “Russian” government will attempt to fight with Soviet methods against all those institutions and individuals that are unacceptable for them, so I don’t rule out such an absurd act on the part of the GD.”

Khatia Dekanoidze, a member of “Euro-optimists”, said: “It is possible that these international visits of hers will turn into criminal charges, this was the warning given to her by Kobakhidze…”

Beka Liluashvili, a member of the “For Georgia” stated: “Hints of criminal prosecution may be a step in this direction [by Georgian Dream], but we have also heard the mood of the President, so it is clear that in this part, in all such initiatives that go against the will of the Georgian people, the Dream will be defeated again”.

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