Explainer | Culture Ministry Saps Autonomy of Tbilisi State Conservatoire

What happened: On September 25, the Minister of Culture, Tea Tsulukiani, suspended the election of the rector of Tbilisi State Conservatoire, scheduled for October 10, 2023.

Why is this important? The current rector’s term of office expires on 21 October. With elections canceled, there are fears that the Ministry will appoint its preferred candidate. On September 27, artists and academics protested the interference and pledged to protect the autonomy of the Conservatoire.

Are there objective grounds for such concern? Yes, Minister Tsulukiani has taken concrete steps to dismantle quasi-independent institutions and centers subordinated to the Ministry and installed loyal leadership.

You can read several of our articles for the background:

Elements of the dispute

What did the ministry want?

How did the conflict develop?

What now?


Using the legal and administrative tools at its disposal, the Ministry is likely to appoint a loyal temporary manager of the Conservatoire and, through changes in the Statute, appoint a loyal member to the board. In a process similar to the House of Writers the Conservatoire is also likely to lose its autonomy and get the manager personally loyal to Minister Tsulukiani and the ruling party.

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