Revenue Service Affirms Adherence to Russia Sanctions

The Internal Revenue Service of Georgia’s Ministry of Finance affirmed on June 25 that Georgia has consistently adhered to international sanctions by diligently following established rules and closely monitoring customs clearance transactions.

The official statement was made in response to Saturday’s news show on TV Pirveli, which focused on the resale of household electronic appliances from Europe through Georgia, that allegedly helped Russia’s war effort. The Revenue Service said this was “disinformation.” The Revenue Service statement comes as EU, US and UK sanctions officials are starting their visit to Georgia.

The Revenue Service said the international sanctions allow for the export of sanctioned household electronic appliances if their value is below 750 Euros, as specified in EU Directive 833/2014. Revenue officials say the customs clearance involving Georgian companies and goods bound for Russia or Belarus undergo strict scrutiny preventing any involvement of sanctioned entities or goods. Moreover, extra verification is carried out for Certificates of Origin to prevent misuse of Georgia for sanction evasion.

“Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia once again urges everyone to refrain from spreading ungrounded information that may end up being harmful to the country,” – reads the statement.

The international media has reported since 2022 that microchips from household electronics were stripped for weapons, especially missiles, by Russia. Recent official and media reports confirmed that Western-made microchips were found in the recently produced missiles shot down over Ukraine.

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