ALDE Congress Adopts Resolution in Support of Georgia’s EU and NATO Integration

A resolution on Georgia in support of the country’s EU and NATO integration was adopted today at the ALDE party Congress in Stockholm, Sweden. The congress takes place from 26 to 28 May.

The resolution “reaffirms the unwavering support for Georgia’s ambitions to become a member of the EU and NATO” as well as the “steadfast support to granting to Georgia the EU candidacy status “following the accomplishment of the 12 recommendations proposed by the EU Commission.”

The resolution also regrets “the Georgian Government’s decision to restart direct air flights to and from Russia” and Georgian Civil Aviation Agency’s decision “to permit Russian airlines to maintain daily flights between Russia and Georgia.” The resolution also regrets “the statements of the Georgian officials blaming the West and EU for wanting to “drag” Georgia into the war” which the resolution says undermines the public image of the EU. Among the regrets are also Georgia’s border police allowing family members of Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov to enter the country, despite them being under Western sanctions as well as “the government’s position to deepen cooperation with Russia.”

The resolution calls on Georgian government and the ruling party “Georgian Dream” to align with the sanctions imposed by the EU and other countries against Russia in the aviation sector; stop sabotaging the process of EU and NATO integration; stop flirting with Russian government by pro-actively deepening economic and political ties; stop anti-Western propaganda and disinformation campaign; and release Lazare Grigoriadis, Nika Gvaramia and Mikheil Saakashvili.

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe/ALDE is a political family promoting liberal values and European integration. It unites 70 member parties across the EU, as well as more than a thousand individual members.

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