Protests Accompany First Direct Flight from Moscow to Tbilisi

The first direct flight from Moscow to Tbilisi since the Moscow’s decision on resumption of direct flights with Georgia has landed at Tbilisi International Airport today.

The arrival of the flight was met by a group of protesters who gathered near the airport to express their opposition to the resumption of direct flights. The demonstrators displayed banners, blew whistles and raised their voices in opposition to the flight. The police officers were mobilized at the perimeter of the airport. Up to 10 protesters have been detained, according to media reports.

The protesters stressed that the resumption of flights means a further deviation from the EU integration course and noted that the landing of the Russian plane coincided with the seventh anniversary of the killing of Georgian citizen Giga Otkhozoria by Russian occupation forces near the Abkhazian occupation line.

Among the passengers on the flight were pro-Russian Georgian politicians and journalists.

Georgian President Zurabishvili took to Twitter to express her disapproval, stating: “Despite the opposition of the Georgian people, Russia has landed its unwelcome flight in Tbilisi.”

A protest is also planned for today in front of the Parliament building at 20:00.

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