European Greens Back EU Candidate Status for Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine

The European Green Party adopted a resolution against Russian aggression in Ukraine which also called on the European Union to grant candidate status to Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia.

“The people of Ukraine fight for the future of a democratic, free Ukraine. It is on the EU institutions to work towards granting EU candidate status to Ukraine and intensify its efforts to proceed with the integration into the EU single market as soon as possible,” stated the resolution, adopted during the party’s June 3-5 Council meeting in Riga.

In addition, the document continued, “efforts should also be made to support Georgia and Moldova to be granted EU candidate status.”

The resolution also noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime throughout the last decades has continued its systematic efforts of establishing political and economic influence over Eastern Partnership countries by inhibiting their path toward democracy and attempting to politically destabilize the region.

“This includes the 30-year military presence in Transnistria, a territory of a sovereign state – the Republic of Moldova, the separatist movements in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the military conflict with Georgia in 2008 as well as the military aggression against Ukraine in the past and annexation of Crimea.”

Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine are all waiting on the European Commission to deliver its opinion on their candidacies. The European Council is expected to make a final decision on each case by the end of June.

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