Abkhaz Diplomat Meets Russian Deputy FM, RT’s Simonyan

Chief Abkhaz diplomat Inal Ardzinba has continued the visit to Moscow, holding meetings with Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov and Margarita Simonyan, the Editor-in-Chief of Rossiya Segodnya, Sputnik as well as RT, regarded as Kremlin’s principal international propaganda mouthpiece.

Ardzinba met Deputy FM Bogdanov, who also serves as the Russian President’s Special Representative for the Middle East and Africa, on February 14. The Russian Foreign Ministry (MID) stated the sides discussed developing ties with countries of the said regions.

Meanwhile, on February 16, Ardzinba and the chief editor of Russian state-controlled media outlets talked about the upcoming opening of a media center of the Abkhaz “foreign ministry.”

Ardzinba’s press office reported that the two discussed collaboration between the media center and Russian news outlets, as well as “strengthening the information policy and formation of a positive image of” the occupied region.

The “foreign ministry” stated the media center is set to function with the support of MID’s Information and Press Department as well as Russian media outlets.  

Ardzinba kicked off his trip to Moscow on February 8.

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