Key Election Watchdogs Assess Appeals Process

Key local CSOs, Transparency International (TI) Georgia and the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) have summarized the appeals process following the October 2 local elections. 

TI Georgia

TI Georgia said today District Election Commissions and courts did not uphold any of its significant complaints.

The watchdog said it lodged 42 complaints with election commissions, seven lawsuits in city/district courts and four appeals in the second instance courts. Of these, TI Georgia said, election commissions upheld four complaints and justices upheld one.

TI Georgia noted that its complaints for recounting 12 polling stations were not upheld, but DECs recounted 7 of the precincts by their initiative or random selection.

The watchdog highlighted that neither Zugdidi District Court or the Court of Appeals sustained its lawsuit over Zugdidi DEC recounting only invalid ballots in four precincts of the 11th majoritarian constituency. As a result of the recount, UNM candidate Manuchar Pipia lost his secured victory to Georgian Dream majoritarian hopeful Soso Gogokhia.

TI Georgia added that lawsuits for annulling results of two polling stations in Marneuli over “serious violations, including multiple voting by some persons” were not upheld either.


ISFED reported on October 15 that out of their 346 complaints submitted to the DECs, 56 were satisfied, 60 – partially upheld, 198 – rejected, 28 complaints remained unresolved, and 4 administrative complaints were still pending. 

The local watchdog requested the recount of 131 polling station results. It said DECs refused to recount 50 polling stations, but fully or partially reviewed results of 20 precincts as per the appeal. The DECs refused the appeals over the other 61 polling stations but subsequently recounted them by their own decision, according to ISFED.

The CSO also said it filed 72 complaints about alleged improper drawing up of summary protocols. Of these DECs did not uphold 42, fully sustained – 16, partially – 7, while 4 remained under administrative proceedings, according to ISFED.

ISFED lodged also 17 complaints on possible violations of their observers rights on the election day. It noted that out of these 2 were fully upheld and one – partially.

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