Leaks: Watchdog Alarmed by ‘Total Control’

The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA), a local watchdog, said today the scale of the recently leaked alleged files of the State Security Service indicates a “total control” of Georgian citizens by the agency. 

Condemning the “gross invasions into the private lives,” the GYLA called for a “timely, impartial and effective investigation.”

The watchdog also noted that the Georgian civil society organizations have repeatedly talked about the “indefinite and unrestrained powers” of the Security Service. “Existing legislation does not protect a person’s private life from unlawful interference,” the advocacy group argued.

Over 3,000 documents, allegedly files of the State Security Service were leaked online on September 13. The files, albeit being largely focused on the Orthodox clergy, described conversations of Georgian journalists, civil society, opposition politicians, civil servants and foreign diplomats as well.

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