Parliament Weekly: April 22-May 3

Committee hearings

On April 23, Levan Surguladze, director of the Pension Agency, reported to the Parliament’s Sector Economy and Economic Policy Committee on the performance of his agency and the process of formation of the investment council. The committee hearing was held upon initiative of the European Georgia faction.

The report was followed by a Q&A session. The majority of opposition lawmakers asked him questions about mobilization of pension funds and the mechanisms available to citizens to control their own funds.

On April 23, Finance Minister Ivane Machavariani reported to the Parliament’s Finance and Budget Committee on a broad range of issues, including the developments around the company “Omega”, bank regulations, pension reform, tax pressure and labor contracts. The committee hearing was held upon initiative of the European Georgia faction.

The opposition lawmakers asked the Minister some critical questions about poverty, current economic situation in the country, social background and pension reform. The lawmakers were interested about what the government was doing to improve the situation.

In response to the question about Omega, Machavariani noted that “this case is clear for everyone concerned and this particular question is simply asked for political purposes. It was the case of recognized tax liability.”

As for the bank regulations, he answered: “We mainly communicate with the National Bank about the key principles and visions. Minor rates may show discrepancy but it is normal”.

On May 1, the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee held a hearing on labor security upon initiative of the committee chair, Sophio Kiladze. The latter also initiated to set up a thematic inquiry group on labor safety to study the situation and ensure due response.

Plenary sessions

During the Parliament’s plenary session on April 30, lawmakers discussed the bills put on the agenda. Independent MP, Eka Beselia presented in its first reading the bill on common courts, regulating the rules of nomination and selection of the Supreme Court judicial candidates.

Beselia explained that the bill shares the recommendations issued by the Venice Commission, OSCE/ODIHR and international partners. The bill was discussed almost in an empty chamber.

On May 1, with 87 votes for and 33 against, the Parliament of Georgia endorsed with its third hearing the controversial amendments to the Law of Georgia on Common Courts, backed by the ruling Georgian Dream party. The discussions were held amid strong opposition criticism, who called for returning the bill from third to second hearing, enabling the lawmakers to make content-related changes to the amendments. Opposition members claimed this was necessary for taking into account the Venice Commission recommendations. The ruling majority, however, rejected the proposal.

During the same session, the bill on common courts sponsored by MP Eka Beselia and 13 more lawmakers was also put to the vote, but it was voted down as only 29 lawmakers supported it.

On May 2, the Parliament of Georgia heard a report from Interior Minister Giorgi Gakharia on implementation of the Government’s program priorities for 2018. Gakharia focused on changes implemented in the ministry, involving a number of structural, functional and legislative reforms of Criminal, Patrol and Border Police.

Most of the questions in the Q&A session were concerning the Pankisi gorge clashes and the controversy surrounding the David Gareji Monastery. The lawmakers raised a number of other issues, including on crime rates, Khorava street murder, death of Ia Kerzaia and Machalikashvili case.

Opposition lawmakers said the Interior Minister failed to respond to their questions.

On May 3, the Parliament of Georgia endorsed with its third hearing amendments to the Labor Code and a number of other laws, introducing the definition of sexual harassment, as well as administrative penalties for such offenses.

On May 3, Head of the State Security Service, Vakhtang Gomelauri reported to the Parliament on the performance of his agency for 2018. Following the report, the session continued beyond the closed doors.



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