Parliament Weekly: March 22-31

Committee hearings

On March 25, the Healthcare and Social Issues Committee set up a thematic inquiry group to assess implementation and efficiency of the 2009 reform on medicine and pharmaceutical activity.

Akaki Zoidze, chair of the committee, said that the group will study and analyze the efficiency of the normative acts, identified shortcomings, impediments and will develop recommendations. The group will be composed of MPs, field experts, NGOs and international organizations.

On March 25, the Regional Policy and Self-Government Committee discussed the Bill on Agricultural Land Property introduced by Chair of the Agrarian Issues Committee, Otar Danelia.

According to Danelia, considering that Georgia is a small country, rational use of agricultural lands is especially important, and argued that absence of uniform legislation and approaches led to practical problems when implementing governments policy of support to agriculture.

He also noted, that the matter of restricting the sale of agricultural land is currently under moratorium, since the Constitutional Court ruled in 2012 that the restrictions on sale to foreigners contradicted the Constitution, however the 2017 version of the Constitution dedicated this matter to the purview of the special Law, which is yet pending.

“The key objective of our proposal is to resolve the matter of private ownership of agricultural land by taking into account both private and public interest,” Danelia noted.

“Our proposal is to set up the National Agricultural Land Management Agency at the Ministry, since the agricultural lands require due management and land registry cannot ensure its management alone,” Danelia said.

The lawmakers supported the bill in its first reading.

The amendments to the Forest Code of Georgia were also put to vote, but MPs voted them down.

On March 27, the same committee also deliberated on the amendments to the law of Georgia on the development of mountainous regions, presented by one of the sponsors of the legislative proposal, MP Gia Zhorzholiani.

On March 25, the Sector Economy and Economic Policy Committee deliberated on the bill on amending the Tax Code of Georgia proposed by the opposition, European Georgia faction. The bill was presented by MP Giorgi Kandelaki, who explained that the amendments to article 199 of the Tax Code will increase in the purchase value of consumption items in the shipment (parcel) that not be taxed from GEL 300 to GEL 500. The gist of the proposal was to exempt minor online purchases from taxation procedures. The committee supported the proposal.

During the same committee hearing, Deputy Finance Minister Giorgi Kakauridze presented the agreement between the governments of Georgia and Korea on issuing loans from the Economic Development Cooperation Fund of Korea. The agreement has been submitted by the Government of Georgia for ratification. The committee supported its ratification.

On March 25, the Agrarian Issues and the EU Integration Committees heard the report on implementation of the National Action Plan for 2018 on Agrarian Dimension of EU Association Agenda presented by Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Gela Khanishvili. He also briefed lawmakers on the enforcement of normative acts in agrarian sphere.

Later, the Agrarian Issues Committee deliberated on MP Gia Zhorzholiani’s legislative initiative, which extends the right to postpone military conscription to the students of vocational training institutions. The committee supported the proposal in its first hearing.

On March 26, the Foreign Relations Committee deliberated on the framework agreement on issuing loans from the Economic Development Cooperation Fund of Korea. The document was presented by the Deputy Finance Minister Giorgi Kakauridze and it aims at supporting Georgia’s economic development and boosting cooperation between the two countries.

The committee also discussed annual reports on the performance of Georgia’s permanent delegations to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, NATO Parliamentary Assembly; PACE and Inter-parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy.

On March 27, the Human Rights and Civic Integration Committee deliberated on the report on fulfillment of the recommendations issued under the Parliamentary Resolution on the Public Defender’s Report on Human Rights Situation in Georgia for 2017.

The report was presented by Natia Mikeladze, the government’s parliamentary secretary. She explained that the budget of the Legal Aid Service increased by GEL 1.5 million in 2018. The budget of the mental health program also increased.

To address the general and individual remedies for enforcement of the ECtHR decision former Prime Minister Vano Merabishvili received financial compensation on 22 February 2018, she noted. The criminal investigation on this case was also re-launched, as per ECtHR decision.

The report on the fulfillment of the Public Defender’s recommendations by the Ministry of Justice was presented by Deputy Justice Minister, Mikheil Sarjveladze. He focused on the measures implemented in the penitentiary system.

The report on the fulfillment of the Public Defender’s recommendations by the Ministry of Interior was presented by Deputy Interior Minister, Natia Mezvrishvili, who noted that the Ministry has already fully implemented a part of recommendations, especially related to conditions in detention facilities.

On March 28, the Budget and Finance Committee deliberated on the government-sponsored bill on mediation presented by Deputy Justice Minister Mikheil Sarjveladze.

The bill envisages promotion of mediation for development alternative ways of dispute resolution. Moreover, the bill establishes modern mediation standards and promotes uninterrupted development of mediation. “The international experience shows that it is the powerful mechanism for peaceful resolution of the disputes and the pragmatic step to discharge the Court from the disputes requiring the long and costly procedures,” Sarjveladze explained.

On March 28, the Human Rights and CivilხIntegration Committee resumed hearing of the report on fulfillment of the Public Defender’s recommendations.

The committee heard the reports submitted by the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure, the State Minister’s Office for Reconciliation, Tbilisi City Hall, Central Election Commission and Georgian Public Broadcaster. The rapporteurs noted that a great part of recommendations has been fulfilled or is in the process of fulfillment.



Other events

Parliament Speaker, Irakli Kobakhidze said at the presentation “100 Days since enactment of the Rules of Procedure” held on March 25 that “strong Parliament means strong democracy.”

“No strong democracy can be achieved in the country without the strong Parliament. Hence, all our efforts shall be directed to political and capacity building of the Parliament and in this process, the role of our international partners, civil society and political subjects is paramount,” Kobakhidze noted.

On March 26, the Parliament hosted the hearing of the working group on draft decentralization strategy for 2019-2025. The sitting was opened by Parliament Speaker Irakli Kobakhidze, who noted that development of local government is a complex process and needs a complex strategy.

On March 31, the Parliament of Georgia traditionally joined an annual event Earth Hour supporting green and safe future of our planet. As part of the event, the external illumination of the Parliament was turned off at 20:30 for an hour.

On March 31, Parliament Speaker Irakli Kobakhidze, Prime Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze and Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze attended the event held at the National Library dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Georgia’s first President, Zviad Gamsakhurdia. Later, the Speaker along with the PM, MPs and government officials visited the Mtatsminda Pantheon and laid a wreath on his grave.

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