Tens Summoned by Criminal Police Over Protests

According to multiple testimonies and media reports, tens of protesters received official summonses to be interrogated by the Criminal Police over the wave of protests that swept Georgia after the law on foreign agents was re-submitted to the parliament.

Civil.ge and other media saw several letters of summonses. They are issued by the “Division of Especially Important Cases of the Main Directorate for the Fight against Organized Crime.” Some letters only contain the criminal case number without indicating the charges or the subject of investigation.

Others point to specific articles of the criminal code, namely:

Human rights watchdogs say the summonses are used as means of intimidation. They remind those who have been summoned that they are not under the legal obligation to appear for such an inquest. They advise protesters to request interrogation in court, where the charges and the status of the summoned person (witness, suspect…) has to be formally communicated and the attendance of the defense lawyer is obligatory.

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