US Ambassador: GD Declined to Discuss Bilateral Strategic Partnership at Highest Level

In a statement issued on May 2, the U.S. Amb. Robin Dunnigan reveals that the U.S. side recently “invited senior members of the Georgian Government to engage directly with the most senior leaders in the United States to discuss our strategic partnership and any concerns with U.S. assistance “but, she notes “unfortunately, the Georgian side chose not to accept this invitation.” U.S. Ambassador expresses “deep concern” over decisions made in recent weeks by the Georgian government that have “moved the country away from its Euro-Atlantic future.”

The Ambassador notes that “the ruling party appears determined to advance legislation that the EU has clearly said is incompatible with Georgia’s EU aspirations.” She also regrets the ruling Georgian Dream party’s decision to “to attack the greatest supporters of Georgia’s sovereignty,” referring specifically to the United States and the European Union.

Amb. Dunnigan highlights the U.S. contribution during Georgia’s more than 32 years of independence to support the country. Amb. Dunnigan emphasized that the partnership between the two countries during these years has been built on “shared values and shared desire to see Georgia as a member of the Western family and democracies.” The statement says that the U.S. “refuses to change our commitment to the Georgian people and to Georgia’s future.”

Amb. Dunnigan urges the Georgian government to “recommit the country to its Euro-Atlantic future,” as enshrined in the country’s constitution. “The United States remains committed to our enduring relationship and wants only peace, stability, and prosperity for the Georgian people,” the statement concludes.

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