Georgian Parliament’s Delegation Visits Switzerland and Liechtenstein

The Georgian delegation headed by the Speaker of the Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, is on an official visit to Switzerland and Liechtenstein from March 12 to 16. During the visit to Switzerland, Speaker Papuashvili held a meeting with the President of the Swiss National Council, Eric Nussbaumer; the President of the Swiss Council of States, Eva Herzog; the Director of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Patricia Danzi; and the Foreign Minister of Switzerland, Ignazio Cassis.

In addition, during his visit to Liechtenstein Papuashvili met with Liechtenstein’s Prime Minister, Daniel Risch; and the President of the Parliament (Landtag) of Liechtenstein, Albert Frick.

Meetings in Switzerland

Meeting with the President of the Swiss National Council

On March 13, Speaker Shalva Papuashvili met with the President of the Swiss National Council, Eric Nussbaumer. Papuashvili thanked Nussbaumer for Switzerland’s strong support of Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as for the country’s contribution to reconciliation and restoration of trust among the population divided by the occupation line.

According to the press release of the Georgian Parliament, the parties discussed the “close parliamentary cooperation” between the two countries. Shalva Papuashvili took note of the visit of the President of the Swiss National Council to Georgia in 2022 and underlined that his reciprocal visit to Switzerland gives a “positive charge to the Georgian-Swiss relations”. The parties also reviewed the “successful sectoral cooperation” in health care, professional education, agriculture, trade and other directions.

In a social media post published after the meeting, Shalva Papuashvili stressed Georgia’s readiness to “further enhance our partnership in education, healthcare, trade, agriculture, P2P ties in the years to come.”

Meeting with the Foreign Minister of Switzerland

Parliament Speaker of Georgia, Shalva Papuashvili met with the Foreign Minister of Switzerland, Ignazio Cassis. During the meeting, the parties underscored that relations between Georgia and Switzerland “have intensified”, both on legislative and executive level.

“Shalva Papuashvili thanked the Swiss side for supporting Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. He also emphasized the important role of Switzerland as a mediator after the rupture of diplomatic relations between Tbilisi and Moscow,” – notes the Georgian Parliament’s press release.

The parties also discussed Georgia’s progress on EU integration and the situation in South Caucasus. Minister Ignazio Cassis stressed his readiness to continue supporting Georgia.

Meeting with the President of the Swiss Council of States

Speaker Papuashvili met with the President of the Swiss Council of States, Eva Herzog. The parties met in the format of a working lunch and discussed cooperation between the two countries. Papuashvili thanked Eva Herzog for Switzerland’s support for Georgia’s territorial integrity, conflict resolution and democratic progress.

During the meeting, the parties discussed bilateral legislative relations, emphasizing the importance of high-level visits and key areas of cooperation. They also discussed Georgia’s parliamentary activities, challenges to international security and Georgia’s European integration plans.

Meeting with the Director of the Swiss Agency for Development

The Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, Shalva Papuashvili, met with the Director of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Patricia Danzi, to discuss the projects implemented in Georgia.

The conversation touched on the ongoing activities in social and environmental protection, agriculture, education and other areas, as well as issues of future cooperation. The parties also reviewed the ongoing geopolitical changes in the Black Sea and South Caucasus regions, Georgia’s European integration processes and the democratic reforms underway in the country.

Meetings in Liechtenstein

Meeting with the Prime Minister of Liechtenstein

On March 15, Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili convened an inaugural meeting with Liechtenstein’s Prime Minister Daniel Risch. Papuashvili expressed gratitude to Liechtenstein for its support of Georgia’s territorial integrity.

The parties also discussed Georgia’s European agenda, ongoing reforms, and future strategies. Prime Minister Risch, in turn, thanked Georgia for supporting Liechtenstein’s priorities during its Presidency of the Council of Europe. He affirmed his commitment to backing resolutions concerning Georgia within the UN and the Council of Europe. The parties also emphasized the importance of enhancing trade and economic ties, particularly in light of the free trade agreement between Georgia and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries.

Meeting with the Chairman of the Parliament

Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia Shalva Papuashvili met with his counterpart from Liechtenstein Albert Frick. Papuashvili discussed with the President of the Parliament (Landtag) of Liechtenstein the “fruitful cooperation” the two countries within the framework of international organizations.

Shalva Papuashvili noted that Georgia supports the priorities of the Liechtenstein chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. The parties also discussed parliamentary cooperation, partnership in various fields, Georgia’s progress towards accession to the European Union, Russia’s occupation of Georgian regions, and security challenges in the Black Sea region.

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