Watchdog: MPs’ Work Trips Cost GEL 1.9 Million in 2023, with GD’s Share at 80%

In 2023, the total cost of MPs’ working trips, both international and domestic, amounted to GEL 1 939 749 (about USD 718 000), with visits undertook by ruling “Georgian Dream” MPs accounting for GEL 1 341 822 (about USD 497 000), or 80 percent of the total, local watchdog Governance Monitoring Center (GMC) reported as part of its Squander Detector project, based on data published by the Georgian Parliament. International work-related trips accounted for 95 percent of the total.

In recent years, the cost of business trips has shown a steady increase, except during the pandemic years, when both the number and the total cost decreased significantly. As reported by Squander Detector, the GD share of expenditures has consistently exceeded 70% of the total sum. According to Squander Detector:

The Squander Detector also singled out three MPs whose combined visits were the most expensive in 2023. These were:

The Squander Detector also highlighted the most expensive work trip made in 2023. This was to Angola by the Speaker of Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili. The cost of this trip was GEL 18 973 (about USD 7 000).

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