Russian Occupation Forces Release Illegally Detained Levan Dotiashvili

On November 9, the State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG) reported that Levan Dotiashvili, a Georgian citizen arrested on November 6 by the Russian occupation forces in the vicinity of the occupied Tskhinvali region, near the village of Kirbali (Gori district), has been released.

He was arrested on November 6 while trying to enter the St. George of Lomisi Church in the village of Kirbali, which was sealed by the occupying forces in June this year, with his friend Tamaz Ginturi, who was shot dead by the occupying forces on the spot.

According to the SSSG, the issue of his release was discussed during the technical meeting in Ergneti between the representatives of the Georgian government, of the Russian occupying forces, of the occupied Tskhinvali region and the EU observer mission. The hotline mechanism was “intensively used” for his release, in addition to all the mechanisms available to the central government. In addition, international partners were actively involved in the negotiations.

“The central government continues to work actively to bring justice to the persons involved in the murder of Tamaz Gintur. Work is also underway to release all citizens of Georgia who are illegally imprisoned in the occupied territories,” – reads SSSG’s statement.

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