Technical Meeting in Ergneti Following the Killing of Georgian Citizen by Russian Occupying Forces

Following the technical meeting with the participation of the representatives of Georgian government, of the Russian occupying forces, the occupied Tskhinvali region and the EU Monitoring Mission in the village of Ergneti, in the vicinity of the Tskhinvali occupation line, the Deputy Director of the Information and Analytical Service of the State Security Service of Georgia Irakli Antadze, said that the Georgian side had put forward two main demands at the meeting 1) punishment of the perpetrators of the killing of the Georgian citizen Tamaz Ginturi and 2) release of the detained citizen Levan Dotiashvili. According to the SSSG representative the Russian occupation forces representatives said they would investigate the incident. According to Antadze, the occupation forces notified the Georgian side that the illegally detained individual was not injured.

Asked if he expected the perpetrators to be transferred to the Georgian side, he said: “We all know what the answer is going to be, and he added: “Given the nature of the occupying forces, we expect this process to continue for some time”.

He confirmed that the killing of the Georgian citizen took place near the Kirbali church, which is located in the occupied territory, but could not specify the exact location at this stage, noting only that the Russian occupying forces constantly prevent the local population from going to the church. According to Irakli Antadze, it was the occupying forces who contacted the Georgian authorities and informed them of the incident, after which an ambulance was sent to the scene.

He also said that this is not the first case of killing of Georgian citizens by the Russian occupation forces. He stated: “The central government’s position on this murder is irreconcilable, there is no human justification for what has happened. We are actively working to return the unlawfully detained individual to his family. We are in constant contact with our international partners, we have informed the co-chairs of the Geneva International Discussions and now we are waiting for a response to return the illegally detained citizen to his family.”

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