ISFED Policy Document: Analysis of Political Finances in Georgia

The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) Policy Document says that although Georgian legislation “more or less covers” the main issues defined by international standards that exist in the field of political finance, the dominance of the ruling party in fundraising, leading to financial inequality among parties is identified as a major problem.

The document examines how political finance works in Georgia and assesses whether Georgia’s rules and practices in this area align with international standards.

According to ISFED political groups in Georgia can receive funding from private sources, such as companies and individuals, also there are direct and indirect ways for a party to receive state funding. However, a major problem is the dominance of the ruling party in fundraising. This situation enables political corruption: in almost every election cycle, there are many cases when the ruling party’s donor companies, or individual donors who own companies, receive major government contracts and property.

In Georgia, all parties receive state funding based on 1% of the votes from the most recent parliamentary elections. As a result, newcomer political parties seeking to participate in local elections have difficulty securing funding, as the state only provides financial support based on the results of parliamentary elections. Generally, the largest Georgian political parties are heavily dependent on state funding.

The legislation provides grounds for the suspension of state funding that, according to ISFED, are not in line with international best practice. For example, a party can lose its right to state funding if half or more of the MPs elected on its list resign before the end of the mandate.

The state budget grants a 30% bonus in direct budget funding to a political party if at least one of its three candidates is of a different gender. The law stipulates that these additional funds should be used to support women’s organizations. However, ISFED’s discussions with political parties have revealed that these funds are often used for general party needs, hindering the intended strengthening of women’s organizations and their role within political parties.

Until September 1, 2023, the State Audit Service was an agency tasked with overseeing political finances, but from September these functions were taken over by the newly created agency, the Anti-Corruption Bureau. Over the years, the main problem that the State Audit Service had in terms of its mandate was that it did not have criminal investigation powers, which made it extremely ineffective in terms of investigating cases of political corruption. Since the Anti-Corruption Bureau does not have this function either, it will face the same problem, predicts ISFED.

ISFED’s prediction is that, in terms of institutional independence, the Bureau whose head is appointed by the Prime Minister, will probably not fare better than the State Audit Service.

ISFED provides the following recommendations:

For Parliament of Georgia

For Political Parties

For the Anti-Corruption Bureau

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