Politicians’ Remarks on the Anniversary of the Start of 2008 Russo-Georgian War

15 years ago today, Russia launched a war against Georgia. As a result of the August 2008 war between Russia and Georgia, Georgia lost 170 employees of the Georgian Ministry of Defense, 14 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and 228 civilians. The total number of wounded and injured civilians and military personnel was 2,232.

Civil.ge compiled statements from ruling party and opposition on the anniversary of the start of August War.

Remarks by the ruling party

Mamuka Mdinaradze, Executive Secretary of “Georgian Dream”: “August 7 is the date that was set in the resolution supported by the United National Movement as the date of beginning of the war, the resolution where Georgian military was blamed for start of the war and war crimes… which we later revoked and won cases in both Strasbourg and the Hague, despite the evidence that they [United National Movement] hid… Until 2014, they commemorated beginning of the war on August 8… And now they want to manipulate the issue.”

Guram Macharashvili, “People’s Power”: “There is a decree of their leader, Saakashvili, I can show you and send it to you, where he directly mentions August 8, when Russian troops entered, from a certain place… August 8th is written under the signature of their own leader, they pretend it’s August 7th… This is their usual manipulation”.

Gia Volski, First Deputy Speaker of the Parliament: “When the Georgian army arrives and you know exactly that the conditions for war are being created, then you can prevent it, save people and get them out of the war zone… Dozens of people died just because the Saakashvili Government assured us until the last minute that the Federation of Russia was not involved in the conflict…Till the last minute there were efforts to convene the UN Security Council meeting and Saakashvili government refused this.. They hid evidence from the Strasbourg court.. created a situation in which war would be inevitable although the international position was completely different. They signed that it was Georgia’s fault for starting the war and that banned weapons were used… This is the face of the political team that today is making some outrageous and unfounded remarks and statements against this Government”.

Remarks by the opposition

Levan Khabeishvili, Chairman of the “National Movement” party: “What Putin’s Russia could not achieve with tanks, war and weapons, unfortunately for us, it has achieved in 15 years with the hands of Bidzina Ivanishvili and the Russian government, and this is very grave [situation]”.

Giorgi Vashadze, Chairman of the “Strategy Agmashenebeli” Party: “Russia attacked us on August 7, this is already a fact recognized by the world. Especially after the annexation of Crimea in 2014, after the ongoing war in Ukraine, everyone saw that Russia did not stop at attacking Georgia. Let people see the rest.”

Giga Bokeria, Chairman of the “European Georgia – Movement for Freedom” party: “This was a key point of our enemy’s propaganda, to at least partially blame Georgia for what happened in August 2008, and the fact that today we have a Government, a regime that, in this matter and in a broader sense, in this context, have become a part of our enemy’s propaganda and became a partner in it, seeing a recipe for maintaining power for itself, this is our shame.”

Badri Japaridze, “Lelo – for Georgia” Party: “Today marks 15 years since the beginning of the active military intervention of the Russian Federation in Georgia, which resulted in numerous victims. This tragedy continues to this day, as 20% of our country is occupied. Even today, the rights of our fellow citizens in the occupied territories are violated on a daily basis, our fellow citizens are still unable to return to their homes. But it must end, of course, with our joint efforts, with peaceful efforts, with the active support of the international community”.

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