Georgian MFA Statement on 15th Anniversary of 2008 August War

Today, 7 August 2023, marks the 15th anniversary of the full-scale military intervention of the Russian Federation against Georgia in 2008.

“In August 2008, the Russian Federation committed the first case of violent violation of the territorial integrity and borders of a sovereign country, which posed a serious threat to the security architecture of the region and Europe as a whole” – says the Georgian Foreign Ministry in the today’s statement on the 2008 war.

The statement says that 15 years on after the war, the Russian Federation, ignoring the fundamental norms and principles of international law, continues to occupy the indivisible regions of Georgia, Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia.

The Foreign Ministry notes that the Russian Federation is not complying with the EU-brokered ceasefire agreement of August 12, 2008 and is “expanding its illegal control in the occupied regions and various actions, including the construction of artificial barriers, restrictions on the freedom of movement of the population affected by the conflict, illegal detentions, etc.”

In addition, notes the Ministry, the process of creating a common social and economic space with the occupied territories, conclusion of various types of so-called “agreements” and memoranda strengthens the effective control of the Russian Federation on the ground and contributes to the isolation of the population living in the occupied territories, separated as a result of the war, both from the rest of Georgia and from the international community.

To this day, the occupying force hinders the unrestricted access of international human rights protection organizations and the deployment of international security mechanisms on the ground. Also, the EU monitoring mission is not allowed to enter the regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali, despite the mission’s mandate.

The Ministry stresses that Georgia continues to be constructively involved in the Geneva International Discussions and continues to implement the policy of peaceful settlement of the Russian-Georgian conflict.

Georgia is grateful for the unwavering and unconditional support of the international community to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, says the Ministry and calls on the international community to continue its consolidated efforts for the peaceful resolution of the conflict and the de-occupation of Georgian territories, the return of internally displaced persons and refugees to their homes, and the achievement of peace and security in Georgia and the region as a whole.

The Foreign Ministry expresses its condolences to the families and relatives of the soldiers and civilians who died in the 2008 war.

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