President Zelensky Urges Georgian Authorities to Transfer Saakashvili to Ukraine, Instructs Summoning Georgian Ambassador

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urges the Georgian authorities to transfer Georgia’s ex-president Mikheil Saakashvili to Ukraine for the necessary treatment and care, stating: “Right now, Russia is killing Ukrainian citizen Mykhailo Saakashvili at the hands of Georgian authorities”.

According to the Ukrainian President, Ukrainian authorities have repeatedly called on the official Tbilisi to stop the abuse of Saakashvili and agree to his return to Ukraine.

President Zelensky has instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to summon the Georgian Ambassador to Ukraine, expressing a strong protest and requesting his departure within 48 hours for consultations with his capital.

He also urged international partners to address this situation, adding: “No government in Europe has the right to execute people, life is a basic European value”.

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