US Embassy Expresses Concern Over Nika Gvaramia’s Upheld Sentence

On June 20, the US Embassy Tbilisi realeased a statement regarding the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the prison sentence of Nika Gvaramia, chief of the opposition TV “Mtavari Arkhi”.

The Embassy expressed its “deep concern about the continued imprisonment of Nika Gvaramia,” emphasizing that the United States has raised questions and concerns regarding the case since its inception. These concerns encompass the timing and nature of the charges, along with the sentence, which have been echoed by numerous international and Georgian human rights defenders.

“A functioning democracy depends on protecting media freedom and prohibiting political prosecution. Even the perception of selective or politically motivated justice puts Georgia’s European future at risk, and undermines the rule of law, constitutional protected human rights, and democracy itself,” – states the Embassy.

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