Georgian Politicians React to Ultra-Conservative Rally

Members of the parliamentary majority and the Mayor of Tbilisi gave positive assessment to a recent rally called “I’m Coming – Georgia First” held by the ultra-conservative “Here is Utsnobi” movement, which is largely seen as a response to March 7-9 large-scale protest demonstrations in Tbilisi, opposing the “Foreign Agents” law.

Parliament Speaker Papuashvili defended the rally and the people who participated in it. “There were people who came thinking about their own country, their national interest, and I think nothing was discussed there except love for Georgia and Georgia,” – he said. Papuashvili also criticized those who label any discussion of Georgia’s national interest as anti-Western or pro-Russian, saying such labels are unfair and unfounded, noting that: “As soon as someone talks about Georgia, national interests, etc. the label is attached right away as this is anti-Western”- he said.

Georgian Dream MP Nino Tsilosani praised the rally saying: “Against the background of the recent very aggressive demonstrations and war rhetoric, the gathering of thousands of people oriented towards peace and imbued with love for the country was, of course, very pleasant to see,”- she said, adding: “I salute all those people for whom Georgia stands above all, and this was the motto of this gathering.”

Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze reacted to the rally, saying he was grateful to the people who came out “to show their support for peace and the country’s success”. “The rally had its own organizers, many people came. For them peace is important, for them, the motherland is first. I would like to thank all those people who are imbued with patriotism, who are happy about the success of our country, the economic development,” – Kaladze said.

Opposition MP Khatia Dekanoidze criticized the event, saying it was organized by Georgian Dream and aimed at misleading the public with anti-Western and pro-Russian messages. “Despite the organizational efforts, the transfer of people, and the weeks-long campaign, unfortunately for them and fortunately for us, this rally was a sign that in Georgia, where 85 percent of the population wants our country to be part of the European Union, Russian and anti-Western propaganda have no future,” – Dekanoidze said.

Opposition MP Khatuna Samnidze claimed that the government was testing the effectiveness of its message among citizens with this rally, but that its efforts had been unsuccessful. “The government has no right to go against the people of Georgia,”- Samnidze said. “Georgian Dream may want to test its propaganda, but it’s clear that neither its message nor anything that goes against the interests of our country, resonates with the public.”

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