PM Garibashvili Slated to Push Anti-LGBT Message at Ultra-Conservative Meeting in Hungary

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvilil will participate in and address the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Budapest on May 4-5, which will gather ultra-conservative politicians. “United We Stand” is the motto of the second annual CPAC. The first one, which also took place in Budapest last year, was centered around the values of “God, Homeland, and Family.”

Like the last year, Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary will deliver the keynote address. Among other speakers are the former Prime Minister of Slovenia Janez Jansa, leader of the extreme-right Austrian Freedom Party Herbert Kickl, former Czech PM Andrej Babis, and President of the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts.

The Budapest Center for Fundamental Rights, a quasi-state foundation, in its tweet, hailed the participation of Irakli Garibashvili in the event and noted: “He believes that Georgia is a conservative society with unique values based on Christianity.”

The organization further noted that “gender propaganda has not been kind to Georgia, but Garibashvili believes that activists and politicians have a duty to respect the will of the majority, and the vast majority of Georgians reject propagandistic, demonstrative LGBTQ pressure.”

PM Garibashvili, whose party, the Georgian Dream, formally belongs to the Party of the European Socialists (PES), has been cozying up to ultra-conservative forces within and outside Georgia and pushing distinctly anti-LGBTQ rhetoric.

Launched in 1974, the Conservative Political Action Conference is the largest and most influential gathering of conservatives that brings together activists and politicians in the U.S. This year’s Conference in Budapest, according to CPAC Hungary, “will concentrate on the liberals’ nightmare: the international convergence of national forces.”

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