Power Generators Purchased by Civic Activists Arrive in Ukraine

338 power generators crowdfunded by civic activists as part of the campaign “Share the Light” arrived in Ukraine on December 27.

The organizers say the generators will reach their destination in the coming days in the Boyarka and Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi water pumping stations, medical aid stations in Kyiv Oblast, a school in Kharkiv Oblast, a kindergarten in Vinnytsia, etc.

Civic activists launched a campaign to purchase power generators for Ukraine in early December collecting more than GEL 400,000 in two weeks. The campaign was launched in November 2022. Later on, the Georgian government also sent power generators to Ukraine in the form of humanitarian aid, after the Ukrainian diplomat said on December 6 that his request for power generators was left unanswered.

As a result of Russia’s air strikes, Ukraine struggles to maintain heat, power, and in some cases, water supplies to its citizens. The Ukrainian government has called on its citizens on multiple occasions to prepare for hard winter and supply food, water, and warm clothes.

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