Russian Deputy Economy Minister Favors Tskhinvali’s Applying EEU Customs Code

Deputy Minister of the Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Volvach, said the Tskhinvali region would benefit from applying the customs code of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU/EEU).

In October 2022, the “parliament” of the occupied Tskhinvali region approved the de facto decision on joining the customs code of the Eurasian Economic Union.

He said applying the common rules “should significantly speed up and simplify customs clearance procedures” when the goods pass from Russia to the occupied region. The Russian deputy minister was speaking at the video conference “Moscow-Minsk-Bishkek-Yerevan-Sukhum-Tskhinval”, dedicated to the results of cooperation in the Eurasian Economic Union in 2022.

“Customs tariffs are a separate issue. And here we will watch and gradually discuss the issue of harmonization so that it is most beneficial to the economy and does not cause negative effects. The parties immediately agreed to consider this issue in the future,” Volvach added.

In 2015, the Russian Federation signed an “agreement” with the occupied Tskhinvali region which envisages integrating the “customs authorities” of Tskhinvali with the customs authorities of the Russian Federation.

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