PM Talks Georgia’s European Perspective After EU-Georgia Association Council

Following the 7th meeting of the EU-Georgia Association Council on September 6, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi, and Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili held a joint press conference in which the PM emphasized that the meeting was a “special event” since the “historic event” of the recognition of Georgia’s European perspective.

The EU-Georgia Association Council is a joint body established to supervise the implementation of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement. The meeting is the first since European states recognized Georgia’s European perspective on June 23. It was chaired by the High Representative, while the PM led the Georgia delegation, Commissioner Várhelyi also attended.

The PM noted that during the meeting, they “discussed extensively the steps which will advance Georgia on this complex but also very motivating path… [which] leads us to where Georgia naturally belongs, namely, in the family of European democracies where we share common values, have common goals, and promote peace and solidarity.”

PM Garibashvili also underscored that European perspective comes with “huge responsibilities and we perfectly understand it.” “To ensure the highest political, economic, and legal convergence with the European Union,” he added.

“The historic decision of the European Council created a whole new set of benchmarks that will play a game-changing role for Georgia,” the PM said and underscored that “Georgia is fully committed to implementing the 12 priorities identified by the Council.”

On that note, the PM remarked that the Georgian government presented a “concrete action plan with specific deadlines per priority” on July 1 and “launched an inclusive process that brings together members of the different political groups, opposition parties, the government, and civil society.”

He denoted, however, that “regrettably some radical opposition parties do not participate in this process.”

The PM also said that Georgia remains committed to “exploiting the potential” of the Association Agreement, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA), for which the government adopted a new Association Agenda for 2021-2027.

“Achieving maximum integration into the EU single market remains one of our core goals,” he said and added that “developing connectivity between the EU and Georgia, especially in the Black Sea promises important benefits for the wider region, Especially given the current geopolitical contest and the major challenges we all face, like energy security, and food security.”

In that context, the PM denoted that the government has invited EU colleagues to “tap into the unique possibilities” that Georgia has to offer as a potential transit hub on the EU’s global connectivity map.

The PM also stated that during the meeting they discussed the war in Ukraine, as well as the peaceful resolution of the Russia-Georgia 2008 conflict and the importance of Russia fulfilling the terms of the EU-mediated 12th August 2008 Ceasefire Agreement.

The PM concluded by thanking the High Representative for hosting the meeting and reiterating that the government remains “committed to the goals and values that unite us.”

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