Georgian Foreign Minister Visits Turkey

The Foreign Minister of Georgia, Ilia Darchiashvili, met his Turkish counterpart Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu on July 28 while on an official visit to Turkey.

The Georgian Foreign Ministry said the two Ministers discussed deepening the strategic partnership between Georgia and Turkey including in areas of trade and the economy.

The two positively evaluated the “activation of their relationship” and expressed readiness to continue high-level meetings. “In this regard, the conversation touched upon the [possible] visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan,” the MFA press release reads.

According to the press release, FM Darchiashvili and FM Çavuşoğlu also discussed the regional security environment and noted the importance of Turkey’s efforts in terms of ensuring peace and stability.

While discussing regional processes, they also underscored Georgia’s role in ensuring stability and sustainable development in the South Caucasus. In this regard, the Turkish Foreign Minister welcomed the recent meeting between Azerbaijan’s and Armenia’s Foreign Ministers in Tbilisi.

They also discussed the significance of the trilateral Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey format.

“We hosted the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, our friend, neighbor, and strategic partner, in Istanbul. We fully support Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity… We will further develop the transport links in our region, especially in the Middle Corridor,” FM Çavuşoğlu wrote on Twitter.

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