Police Investigates Attack on TV Pirveli Journalists

Police have launched an investigation into violence and interference with journalists’ professional activities, following an incident in Tsintskaro village where a man confronted the TV Pirveli crew, the Interior Ministry reported on June 30.

Media footage from the incident shows a local man insulting the crew of the opposition-leaning TV channel, then removing a microphone muffler and throwing it at the reporter. The man can also be seen striking the camera held by the crew.

The reporter alleged the man is the uncle of the Head of Municipality (Gamgebeli). TV Pirveli journalists said they were in Tsintskaro village of Tsalka Municipality, south of capital Tbilisi, to cover locals’ reports that the village is “informally run by a clan” led by the Municipality Head’s uncle, a group the villagers reportedly accuse of “seizing” lands and administrative buildings.

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