ICC Trust Fund for Victims to Open Assistance Program in Georgia

The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) at the International Criminal Court (ICC)  announced on December 1 the decision to open an assistance program in Georgia for the victims of the Russo-Georgian War of August 2008.

TFV said the program may consist of a range of assistance projects, including medical treatment, psychological rehabilitation such as trauma counseling, as well as material support including livelihood assistance.

TFV Executive Director Pieter de Baan stressed that the program in Georgia will be the Fund’s first initiative outside of the African continent, dubbing it a “historic moment.”

The decision was based on the situation assessment conducted in 2019-2020, aimed at examining whether victims “continue to suffer to date from persistent injuries resulting from the 2008 conflict.”

Acting Minister of Justice Gocha Lortkipanidze, also a member of the TFV Directorate, delivered a statement with additional details, noting that the program will assist victims on both sides of the conflict line. According to Lortkipanidze, the budget of the three-year program will amount to EUR 600,000.

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