Reports: Occupied Akhalgori Resident Dies after Denied Transfer to Georgia Proper

Occupied Akhalgori resident Vera Kotolova died of health complications on October 14, after Moscow-backed Tskhinvali/South Ossetian authorities denied her transfer to the Tbilisi-controlled territory for medical treatment, Akhalgori Municipality head in-exile, Nugzar Tinikashvili confirmed today.

According to Georgian media reports, Kotolova, ethnic Ossetian who taught Russian language in a local school, was first admitted with a fever to the Akhalgori hospital, where the doctors, unable to find a diagnosis, redirected her to Tskhinvali. Reportedly, doctors in Tskhinvali suspected that Kotolova might have suffered from a stroke, but discharged her home anyway, where she passed away.

The Kremlin-backed authorities of Tskhinvali Region/South Ossetia have been maintaining the closure of crossing points to Georgia proper since September 2019, following the disagreement with Georgian authorities over the Chorchana police checkpoint.

The Georgian Ministry for Reconciliation and Civic Equality, overseeing Russian occupied regions, stated in May that 14 patients from the occupied region had died since September 2019, due to Tskhinvali’s denial to its residents to move to Tbilisi-controlled territory for receiving medical treatment.

Along with Georgian officials, local CSOs and representatives of the international community have been repeatedly voicing concerns over the ongoing humanitarian crisis in occupied Akhalgori.

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