European Parliament Adopts Report on Georgia’s AA Implementation

On September 16, the European Parliament (EP) adopted the report on the implementation of the EU Association Agreement (AA) with Georgia with 552 in favor, 61 against and 78 abstentions. The document positively assesses Georgia’s progress in the adoption of reforms and legislation, as well as the March 8 agreement between key political parties, however, describes the situation of the judiciary as “worrisome due to shortcomings of the selection procedure of judges and a series of cases against the opposition, which raised concerns about the impartiality of the legal system.” The report also highlighted that “Georgia continues to face significant external challenges, notably a worsening situation in its occupied regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali / South Ossetia and cyber-attacks linked to Russian actors.”

Below are the key takeaways from the report:


Political Dialogue and Parliamentary Elections:

Rule of Law, Good Governance and Media Freedom

Regarding Respect for Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Economic and Trade Relations

Some other topics discussed in the motions for resolution are sectoral cooperation and reforms of labor legislation as well as Georgia’s efforts to address discrimination.

Read More on Earlier Developments:

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