New Director General of Imedi TV Appointed

Nikoloz Laliashvili, 46, has been appointed as the director general of pro-ruling party Imedi TV, replacing Eldar Mdinaradze. The National Agency of Public Registry recorded Laliashvili’s appointment on August 6. 

Earlier, at Imedi TV, Georgia’s one of the largest nationwide broadcasters, Laliashvili anchored ‘SWOT Analysis‘ TV show, inviting government officials and ruling Georgian Dream party-affiliated persons for lengthy sit-down interviews.

Laliashvili, an outspoken opponent of the former governing party of the United National Movement (2003-2012) – was a producer of a controversial film dedicated to the August 2008 Russi-Georgian War, suggesting that the Russian troops were forced to invade Georgia in response to the latter’s military operation. The movie, stirring public outcry, including among Imedi TV journalists, was removed from the broadcaster’s Facebook page.  

In 2008-12, Laliashvili was elected to the Georgian Parliament through the party list of Giorgi Targamadze-Christian Democrats. In 2004-05 Laliashvili served as the head of the international relations department at the Ministry of Defense, while in 2002-04, he worked as the spokesperson for the Security Ministry.

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