Fearing Coronavirus, Tskhinvali Bars Entry of Nationals of 60 States

On March 2 Moscow-backed authorities of Tskhinvali Region/ South Ossetia imposed a temporary travel ban on nationals hailing from more than 60 states, citing fears of spreading the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

According to “Res”, a local media outlet, Tskhinvali leadership has also addressed local residents to refrain from visiting territories affected by the disease breakout.

Meanwhile, Tskhinvali KGB decided to temporarily open Odzisi-Mosabruni crossing point in order to pass residents, left in Georgia proper after the closure of all functioning crossing points, back to the region. “All residents who have visited Georgia in recent time will be put into quarantine,” KGB stated.

To prevent the spread of the infection, Tskhinvali KGB reported that it will organize a round-the-clock monitoring by sanitary-epidemiological personnel at the Odzisi-Mosabruni crossing point.

Earlier, on February 27, Tskhinvali KGB closed all crossing points connecting the region to Georgia proper until further notice.

Fearing coronavirus, Abkhazia, Georgia’s another Russian-occupied region, has also reportedly imposed temporary restrictions on Enguri Bridge crossing point, connecting the region with Georgia proper. Until April 7, Moscow-backed Abkhaz authorities will ensure enhanced control and apply quarantine measures along the administrative boundary line with Georgia. 

According to Apsnypress, a local news agency, Abkhaz authorities will also apply quarantine measures on Psou border crossing point, Georgia’s westernmost Sokhumi-controlled point, connecting the region to Russia. 

Earlier on February 25, Sokhumi extended a travel ban which bars “foreign nationals” from entering the occupied region. However, the ban excludes nationals of the Russian Federation.

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