Watchdog Speaks of ‘Mass Human Rights Violations’ Along Russian Occupation Line

The local watchdog, Human Rights Center (HRIDC), stated in its recent report that throughout 2019 “the representatives of the Russian Federation continued mass human rights violations” along the occupation line dividing Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region/South Ossetia from Georgia proper.

According to the report, as a result of continued ‘borderization’ and marking of new areas on the Tbilisi-controlled territory, many locals living along the dividing line between occupied Tskhinvali region and Georgia proper, “lost their agricultural plots, which were the only source of income for their families.”

HRIDC further added that “in some instances, as a result of the illegal ‘borderization,’ the local population lost their houses together with the land, which turned up on the other side of the dividing line after the so-called ‘border’ signs were erected.” The watchdog also noted that “the representatives of the Russian border forces continue arbitrary detention of people” in the areas, where locals had free access before.

Speaking of the “illegal borderization,” the HRIDC focused on developments in Chorchana, Gugutiantkari and Atotsi villages, in Khashuri, Gori and Kareli municipalities, respectively.

The report also focused on the closure of crossing points connecting the occupied regions with Georgia proper, and “humanitarian crisis” in Akhalgori Municipality in occupied Tskhinvali.

The HRIDC also stated that Tskhinvali’s decision to close the crossing point connecting occupied Akhalgori district with Georgia proper and to restrict Akhalgorians meet their humanitarian needs, violate international law.

It also noted that the Russian Federation “has established control” in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions “both with the significant military presence, as well as [by] providing substantial support to the local de facto administrations, (including significant budgetary financing, distribution of Russian passports for the people living in Abkhazia and providing relevant benefits).”

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