Georgian, French Interior Ministers Discuss Irregular Migration, Pledge to Deepen Ties

Georgian Interior Minister Vakhtang Gomelauri, who paid an official visit to France on November 21, discussed deepening police cooperation with his French counterpart, Christophe Castaner, as well as the ways to counter the European Union visa-waiver abuses.

At a joint news briefing following their meeting, Minister Gomelauri thanked Castaner for supporting Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and its European aspirations.

“Visa liberalization is very important for our country and we spare no efforts not to lose visa-free travel [opportunity] with Europe,” Minister Gomelauri said. He then added that Georgia and France cooperate on countering illegal migration and organized crime.

On his part, the French Interior Minister noted that although there are number of common challenges, especially in fight against irregular immigration, their efforts “are bearing fruit.”

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