Foreign Minister Zourabichvili Sacked

Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli announced late on October 19 that he dismissed Foreign Minister Salome Zourabichvili. The Prime Minister said that the President and government has not yet decided who will replace Zourabichvili.

?We, including me and the President, had consultations regarding this issue today, all through the day. We have a very successful foreign policy course and this is thanks to the President, the government and our political team. Despite this fact, yesterday, the Parliament voiced very serious discontent regarding the leader of the Foreign Ministry, involving violations persisting in the Ministry. These discontents also involved giving preferences to relatives in staff policy, also a failure to fully implement some very important initiatives; also disrespect towards the Parliament and disrespect towards the democratic process, which of course, is inadmissible,? Nogaideli said at a news conference.

?Moreover, this evening the Foreign Minister continued to maintain an absolutely unacceptable tone in respect of the Parliament. As a result of today?s consultations, I have decided to dismiss the Foreign Minister,? Nogaideli added.

He also said that the country?s leadership ?has not yet started consultations? about the new Foreign Minister?s nomination.

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