U.S. Embassy: Participation in Independence Day Event Canceled Due to Ivanishvili’s Anti-Western Speech

The U.S. Embassy in Georgia told Georgian news outlet “Netgazeti”, that it had canceled its participation in the military component of the government event planned for May 26 to celebrate Georgia’s Independence Day, because of the anti-western statements made on April 29 by the honorary Chairman of the ruling Georgian Dream party Bidzina Ivanishvili.

The U.S. Embassy also said that it “remains a strong supporter of Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and wants Georgia to be firmly integrated into the Euro-Atlantic community”. The Embassy urged the Georgian government to “return to this path”.

On April 29, addressing the crowd at the government rally Ivanishvili said, where he criticized foreign influence in Georgian politics and alleged that past administrations were controlled by external powers. He stated that Georgia should be governed by people who are elected by Georgians. He said that from 2004-2012, Georgia was governed by a foreign-appointed revolutionary committee, which they came to power as a result of an NGO-led revolution. Ivanishvili went on to accuse these foreign influences of orchestrating violence and unrest in Georgia. He further said that “the bloody regime” that was established showed the price of this mistake, adding that “Many people think that the main reason for these crimes was the inhumane, sadistic, and unpatriotic nature of Saakashvili and his accomplices. In reality, however, everything they did was ordered and directed by their masters from outside.”

Commenting on the absence of U.S. servicemen and women from the event, Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili said on June 10: “If someone doesn’t want to celebrate, they don’t want to celebrate, it’s our day and we will celebrate it, that’s the most important thing.

In his statement, Papuashvili also underlined Georgia’s longstanding military cooperation with the United States, saying: “If a politician’s statement is a reason for someone to not celebrate Independence Day in this format with the soldiers of his strategic partner country, who were taking bullets alongside American soldiers in Afghanistan, it is a matter for them to decide. We used to demonstrated our independence in other ways, we demonstrated it by taking the bullets alongside the American soldiers, while most of the NATO countries did not show their noses from their headquarters in Afghanistan; we were on the front line, this is our approach, we look at the world from our point of view.”

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