TI-Georgia: “Georgia Experiences the Ultimate Form of Corruption – a “State Capture”

On January 26, Transparency International-Georgia, an anti-corruption watchdog, had updated its list of alleged high-level corruption cases. The list is regularly updated to reflect the situation of high-level corruption in Georgia and includes information on specific cases.

The current list includes 164 alleged cases of high-level corruption, where at least 169 high-level public officials can be identified, including 13 judges, 30 members of the Parliament, prime minister, ex-prime minister, ministers and their deputies (29 individuals), as well as 56 local government officials.

Introducing the list, the TI-Georgia notes that although “Georgia is characterized by impressively low levels of petty corruption,” there is almost “total impunity for high-level corruption.” In addition, the watchdog says that the country is experiencing the ultimate form of corruption, which is the “state capture.”

TI-Georgia cites Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI), according to which “the influence of the ruling party’s founder over key institutions meets the definition of state capture.”

Moreover, it also notes that “the nature and scope of the cases of alleged high-level corruption and the increasing number of these cases point to an alarming conclusion that high-level corruption in Georgia is taking the form of “kleptocracy,” where officials systematically use political power to appropriate the country’s wealth and undermine all critical voices, including political opposition, media and civil society.”

According to the TI-Georgia, although the local civil society, international assessments, public opinion polls, investigative journalists and non-governmental organizations expose the alleged cases of high-level corruption, the responsible bodies such as the Prosecutor’s Office and the State Security Service, often fail to respond effectively, especially when the cases are linked to the ruling party. 

“Even though according to Georgian legislation an investigator or prosecutor is obliged to initiate an investigation upon notification of the commission of a crime, alleged cases of corruption reported regularly by Transparency International Georgia are also left without a response,” – the watchdog says. 


In order to effectively curb the high-corruption, experts recommend transferring corruption investigation powers to an independent agency, as urged by the European Parliament, European Commission, and OECD/ACN. Currently, the fight against corruption falls within the remit of the State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG) and the Prosecutor’s Office. 

Latest additions to the TI-Georgia list include:

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