Women’s Rights Groups Urge MP Nino Tsilosani to Step Down as Chair of Gender Equality Council

Women’s rights and gender equality organizations are calling on GD MP Nino Tsilosani to step down as Chair of the Parliamentary Permanent Council for Gender Equality.

The statement highlights concerns about Tsilosani’s recent political actions and statements “that are considered discriminatory, incite violence, and contradict the principle of equality.”

The organizations express their strong disapproval of such behavior and emphasize that it is unacceptable for someone charged with promoting gender equality.

The statement highlights Tsilosani’s support for an individual accused of sexual violence, her support for the “foreign agents” law, a gender-insensitive document, and remarks encouraging violence against a female member of parliament from the opposition.

In response, Nino Tsilosani wrote on Facebook: “Now that the European Commission counted the gender equality condition met among its 12 conditions, several NGOs are calling on me to leave the Gender Equality Council :)) I know you are not happy that the recommendation was fully fulfilled, but you could hide it better, no?”

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