EU, US, UK Sanctions Officials to Visit Tbilisi

EU Sanctions Envoy David O’Sullivan, Head of the Office of Sanctions Coordination at the US State Department, James O’Brien, and Director General, Economics, Science and Technology at the UK Foreign Office, Kumar Iyer, will visit Tbilisi on June 26.

During the two-day trip, the officials will discuss sanctions and their implementation with Georgian authorities. The EU Mission said the objective is to establish open communication and establish a cooperative dialogue.

The officials will meet the Georgian Prime Minister, Irakli Garibashvili, Foreign Minister, Ilia Darchiasvhili, as well as the National Bank governor and the prosecutor-general. A meeting with business community representatives is also planned.

Ambassador O’Brien stirred lively debate in Tbilisi earlier this month when he mentioned Georgia among the countries his office is working with to address the sanctions “circumvention problem,” specifically in terms of electronics. The Georgian Foreign Ministry retorted that the media interpreting Amb. O’Brien’s words as putting the blame on Georgia was “disinformation.”

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