GD Leader Kobakhidze Accuses Opposition, Former Ombudsman, Critical Media and Youth Groups of “Liberal Fascist Campaign”

In a lengthy press conference today on last week’s protests in Tbilisi, Georgian Dream leader Irakli Kobakhidze accused the opposition, the former Ombudsman, critical media and youth groups of organizing the ‘liberal fascist campaign’.

Irakli Kobakhidze reiterated that the law on “foreign agents”, even without its adoption, had brought more results than it would have had it been adopted. He said that now everyone sees clearly that “those organizations that demanded the resignation of the government, tried to tarnish the reputation of the Church, carried out LGBT propaganda and undermined the country’s energy security – all these organizations are in fact not the people’s organizations, but foreign influence agents”.

He then added that there had already been a revolution in 2003 “through the NGOs”, which had caused the country’s democratic backsliding, torture, business racketeering, media appropriation and the loss of 20% of Georgian territory.

He stressed: “we will not allow the UNM to return to power with the help of agents of foreign influence”.

He said that last week’s rallies had exposed the “extremist political youth groups”. In this context, he accused the UNM, Girchi – More Freedom, “Shame” and “Droa” political organisations, as well as the “Franklin Club”, “supported by the American organisation Atlas Network”, of being “agents of foreign influence”. Kobakhidze then took the time to implicate several universities, such as the Free University and the University of Georgia, as well as specific individuals in their management, in supporting revolutionary activities alongside the above-mentioned political parties.

Kobakhidze blamed the opposition parties’ youth organisations for the violence against the police, calling them extremists and accusing the demonstrators of launching a campaign “in the best tradition of liberal fascism”. According to Kobakhidze, in addition to the opposition parties, the former Ombudsman, critical journalists, NGO representatives and universities are also part of this “fascist” campaign.

He said: “Last week, in the confrontation between special forces and demonstrators, Europe was not on the side of the demonstrators, but on the side of the special forces. Once again, we thank every policeman and every law enforcement officer, and we personally thank the Minister of Internal Affairs, Vakhtang Gomelauri. The government showed its humane face again last week.”

Kobakhidze reiterated that the law on foreign agents has nothing to do with the Russian law and that “such a law has been enforced for many years in the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The adoption of this law is currently being discussed in the EU, the UK and Canada”.

He claimed that the campaign by the “radical opposition and its protectors” was based on lies and that “thousands of people protested against the law without reading it”. “This was the PR scam of the century,” he claimed.

He then repeated the accusations of the “radical opposition” that they had fulfilled their “revolutionary plans”, that Russian tanks were rolling in the streets of Tbilisi and that the Georgian Dream was the guarantor that the “second front” would not open in Tbilisi.

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