Soviet Invasion: Noe Jordania Appeals to the Compatriots

“Republic of Georgia” N.37, Feb.17, 1921

Appeal of the President of the Government

To the cities, municipalities, communities, district headquarters of the national guard, Mr. High Represetative [to Batumi District], Abkhazia Commissariat, and all citizens of Georgia:

A despicable, treacherous attack has occurred: Azerbaijan and the Bolshevik troops headquartered there have sided with disgruntled Armenia and attacked us from the East. You should know that their victory would spell a catastrophe for the nation’s freedom, people’s effort and work, and spell our falling under the horrible tyranny of the hungry Bolshevik hordes.

The existential moment is upon us. Our fate is in our hands: let us arm ourselves with our old Georgian valor, self-sacrifice, and unity, and we will vanquish the enemy.

Georgia has many times suffered aggressions from foreign armies but managed to beat them back. Take up the sword, put men and women to work, create new [armed] units, guard iron discipline, reign in the traitors and the hesitant. You should know that if they are victorious, the Bolsheviks will loot and kill you. Only your preparedness for bravery can break them. Stop all usual state and public works and occupy yourselves only with the needs of self-defense. More fighters, more arms, more food, that is what the motherland demands from you, and you shall supply it every day until our victory. In this fight, we are not alone. Let us form into a unified force ready for self-sacrifice, and the assistance will rally around.

Georgian people, “unsheath your sword; the enemy is nigh!” Georgia will die but won’t surrender.

Head of Government and the defense council, Noe Jordania

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