Probe on Interfering with Journalists’ Work Launched

The Special Investigation Service (SIS) announced on December 20 that it launched an investigation into the case of interference with the professional activities of the TV Pirveli journalists, which occurred in Ponichala during a special police operation to apprehend drug dealers.

The investigation is underway under Article 154 (2) of the Criminal Code of Georgia, which prohibits unlawful interference with the journalist’s professional activities and envisions the punishment of a perpetrator by a fine or community service for a term of 120 to 140 hours or by corrective labor for a term of up to two years, or house arrest for a term of six months to two years.

According to the TV Pirveli journalist, an individual close to the family of one of the detainees first verbally insulted the TV Pirveli crew and then attempted physical violence. In the footage released by the TV company, it can be seen that the alleged perpetrator moves his hand toward the camera and insults the journalists.

Special Investigation Service was established in March 2022 and is tasked with probing the crimes allegedly committed by state and law enforcement officials, as well as the crime of torture and inhuman treatment. It also oversees personal data protection.

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