Georgian Dream: “Today Georgia is Sovereign as Never Before”  

The ruling Georgian Dream party said in a statement on October 1 marking the 10th anniversary of coming to power in 2012 that “today, Georgian state is sovereign as never before.”  

The ruling party declared that as a result “the government of the Georgian Dream is the first government in the past 30 years, under which Georgia did not experience war.”   

“Unification of Georgia and trickling welfare down to each family is the dream on which our political movement was founded. We are convinced, that this dream of every Georgian patriot will come true soon,” the statement reads.  

It also noted that maintaining peace in the country, economic development and improving the quality of population’s welfare, strong protection of human dignity, freedom and equality, care for strengthening the homeland and the church will remain their key guiding principles .  

The ruling party stressed that exactly 10 years ago, Georgian people, led by GD founder Bidzina Ivanishvili defeated “the criminal, authoritarian regime,” which was “trampling upon all those values and principles.”  

Georgian Dream also focused on “huge challenges” facing the country, adding that “with the support of Georgian people, we will overcome all difficulties in a dignified manner.”  

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