Part of Opposition Presents Plan to Meet EU Recommendations   

On September 21, a part of parliamentary opposition and independent MPs unveiled a package of proposals to meet 12 recommendations put forth by the European Commission for Georgia to receive the EU candidate status. The authors said that the package had been developed with “active involvement” of civil society organizations. That the proposals were “minimalist” and having in mind to reach an acceptable compromise with the “Georgian Dream”.

“By this step we take, we put the Georgian people, civil society, democratic opposition and the Western partners on the one side and the Georgian Dream and Bidzina Ivanishvili on the other,” the authors noted, saying that the failure to follow even such “basic” proposals would place the responsibility squarely with the ruling party.

The following opposition parties and independent MPs have developed the legislative package: the United National Movement; Strategy Agmashenebeli; Lelo for Georgia; the Republican Party; Nato Chkheidze – bloc “United National Movement – United Opposition “Strength is in Unity;” Tamar Charkviani – Law and Justice; Armaz Akhvlediani – independent MP; Sharva Shavgulidze – independent MP.   

Below is the abridged version of the proposals per EU recommendation:

1.  EU Recommendation:  Address the issue of political polarization by ensuring cooperation between political parties, in the spirit of the April 19 agreement:   

2.  EU Recommendation:  Ensure the smooth functioning of all state institutions, strengthening their independence and effective accountability, as well as their democratic oversight functions; further improve the electoral framework, addressing all shortcomings identified by OSCE/ODIHR and the Council of Europe/Venice Commission:   

Amendments to the electoral code, in accordance with the April 19 political agreement:    

3.      EU Recommendation: Adopt and implement a transparent and effective judicial reform strategy and action plan based on broad, inclusive and cross-party consultation process:   

Adoption and implementation of a new strategy and action plan for judicial reform:   

Select members of the High Council of Justice (HCoJ) with appropriate qualification and reputation: The Parliament should elect five non-judge members of the HCoJ during the current session. Candidates should be selected through a rigorous process based on a broad political consensus. All elected members must be impartial, honest and competent, they mush enjoy a good professional reputation and high public trust.  

Launch of the reform of the HCoJ:  

Repeal of harmful newly adopted regulations: The amendments to the Law of Georgia on Common Courts adopted in an accelerated manner at the end of 2021 (norms on “immigration of judges” and censorship) should be abolished.

Court decisions should be more transparent, in compliance with the decision of the Constitutional Court.  

4. EU Recommendation: Strengthen the independence of the anti-corruption agency bringing together all key anti-corruption functions; address the cases of high-level corruption; equip the newly established Special Investigative Service and Personal Data Protection Service with the resources commensurate to their mandates and ensure their institutional independence:  

5. EU Recommendation: Implement the commitment to “deoligarchization” by eliminating the excessive influence of vested interests in economic, political and public life: In this basic package, the approaches of the non-governmental sector regarding the process of deoligarchization were shared..  

6.  EU Recommendation: Strengthen the fight against organized crime based on detailed threat assessment, particularly by ensuring rigorous investigations, prosecutions and a credible track record of prosecutions and convictions; guarantee accountability and oversight of law enforcement agencies. In the presence of the appropriate political will, law enforcement agencies have the appropriate capabilities and resources to effectively overcome problems related to organized crime. 

7.  EU Recommendation: Undertake stronger efforts to guarantee a free, professional, pluralistic and independent media environment, notably by ensuring that criminal procedures brought against media owners fulfil the highest legal standards, and by launching impartial, effective and timely investigations in cases of threats against safety of journalists and other media professionals. 

8. EU Recommendation: Move swiftly to strengthen the protection of human rights of vulnerable groups, including by bringing perpetrators and instigators of violence to justice more effectively:  

9. EU Recommendation: Notably, consolidate efforts to enhance gender equality and fight violence against women:  

10. EU Recommendation: Ensure the involvement of civil society in decision-making processes at all levels:  

11. EU Recommendation: Adopt legislation so that Georgian courts proactively consider European Court of Human Rights judgments in their deliberations:  

12. EU Recommendation: Ensure that an independent person is given preference in the process of nominating a new Public Defender and that this process is conducted in a transparent manner: ensure the Office’s effective institutional independence:  

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